Thursday, July 24, 2014

Deep Cove Creek

 Broad Water Cheek center, Deep Cove Creek right
 A few miles north of Deale, MD, just northeast of  Broad Water Creek on the western shore is an unimportant break in the coastline. A small marsh-lined creek, just navigable by runabouts, winders inland through marsh for a fraction of a mile before broadening into a beautiful pond. One afternoon, sailing alone without really enough wind to sail I decided to stop and explore, and was greeted by a pair of bald eagles; enough for the spot to make my list of places to take folks.

It's a small area, with a few tiny beaches on the south side protected by a small breakwater. Turtles nest on the beach; leave them alone.

 There is a shallow indent in the coast here, running north, but don't mistake this for an area where you can tuck in and anchor; it's less than 4 feet for 1/4-mile. However, the holding ground is excellent (a firm sand/silt mix) and in settled weather it is perfectly practical to anchor in the open for a while. There is kayaking all along this stretch of coast, but the closest approaches to shore are west of the creek.

The pond, looking towards the Chesapeake

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Janes Island

One of the largest marsh areas  in the Chesapeake Bay, I'll be returning again and again, for there is much I have not seen. The town of Chrisfield isn't much to visit, not to my tastes, but there are a few restaurants and the marina has a nice pool.

 Normally--always--I'm quiet in the marsh, but on this occasion I lost all track of time, realized I was late for dinner, and had to scoot. My faithful 3.5hp 2-stroke will plane very nicely if the dingy is light and well-trimmed.

Because of extensive shallow water, anchoring a cruising boat neat the island is basically impractical unless your draft is quite shallow in which case there are a number of nice coves. For the rest of us, the Summers Cove marina makes a good staging ground, just a fraction of a mile from the park. You will nearly pass the marina entrance before it is clearly visible. Just keep an eye to the right for the obvious opening.

I don't know how to communicate silence in a photograph. Nothing but a light hiss of the wind in the reeds.

Water Trail Guides